News & Meetings


The 3rd EAGOT Annual Meeting 2024

July 24th, 2024


Welcome Message

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd Annual Meeting of East Asian Gynecologic Oncology Trial Group(EAGOT 2024), I would like to invite all of you to participate in this meeting held in Chang Gung International Convention Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan during September 27th – 29th, 2024.

The organizing committee has worked diligently to design a comprehensive program with 9 sessions, ranging from advanced research and in-depth studies in a variety of issues relating to regulation and therapy.


Thus, I would like to utilize this one of the very opportunities to welcome you all together for experience exchanging, technologies sharing and friend making during EAGOT 2024.

The theme of the meeting this year is, Novel Cancer Therapy for Asian Women and the committee is expecting over 60 experts, scholars from nearly 4 countries over the world to present the most up-to date and scientific discussions in the field of Gynecologic Oncology therapy.


Mark your calendars and seize this remarkable opportunity to be part of EAGOT 2024. Together, let's shape the future of wrist surgery and make groundbreaking strides in our field.


Last but not least, I hope that you will enjoy your visit to this very beautiful and exciting city of Taoyuan in September 2024.


Prof. Chyong-Huey Lai                                Prof. Xiaohua Wu                                         Dr. Huei-Jean Huang

President of EAGOT/TGOG                        Vice President of EAGOT                            Secretary General of EAGOT


Program at a Glance

Last updated:2024/08/30


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